The « FCI Americas and the Caribbean » Section is made up
of 20 countries from Latin America, i.e : Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile,
Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, el Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua,
Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela;
among them,18 are full members, 1 is an associated member and 1 is a contract partner.
Mr Miguel Ángel Martínez is the current President of the Section.
Our Section General Assembly takes place together with an international dog show, in a member country, every year. During these meetings, we address different interesting points and the concerns raised by the section members. We already worked out constructive ideas which we have implemented with pride, such as the organisation of the yearly « Congress for Judges, Aspirant Judges and Breeders ». We invite the best lecturers (canine experts) from all over the world in order to help not only the judges and aspirants get a better knowledge but also the breeders; in addition, we have created the « Unique Trophy of the FCI Americas and Caribbean Section » awarded to the national canine organisation whose dog has obtained 2 BIS two years in a row. These are only two examples illustrating the work we have been doing, year after year, within the Section.

The number of dogs registered in the studbooks of the members of the « FCI Americas and Caribbean Section » in 2009 breaks down as follows : Argentina, 59,403 dogs; Bolivia, 1,568 dogs; Brazil, 96,822 dogs; Colombia, 1,450 dogs; Costa Rica, 2,969 dogs; Cuba, 775 dogs; El Salvador, 990 dogs; Ecuador, 1,898 dogs; Honduras, 275 dogs; Mexico, 42,098 dogs; Nicaragua, 189 dogs; Panama, 423 dogs; Peru, 3,030 dogs; Puerto Rico, 3,326 dogs and Uruguay, 2,609 dogs.
Eukanuba World Challenge 2010
The Eukanuba World Challenge 2010 took place in Long Beach, California, on December
4-5, 2010. The BIS winner and best EWC dog was the Dobermann “ALEX DE AKIDO
SAN”, Argentina, picked up by Carla Molinari (Portugal). Our Section is very
proud of this win.
Our Section is deeply involved in the FCI activities through different countries
and several members sit in numerous commissions as well as in the General Committee
like Mr. Rafael de Santiago and Mr Miguel Ángel Martínez. Mr Jorge
Nallem and Dr José Luis Payró (Standards Commission), Dr A. Villalobos
and Dra Margarita Durán (Scientific Commission), Dr Néstor Pedro Frascino
and Dr D. Rebelo (Legal Commission) are members of different FCI commissions.
The shows draw a large entry as well as an enthusiastic public ; the members
of the Section organise, yearly, 1,247 CAC and 178 CACIB shows. Besides, we conduct
many working tests like hunting trials (continental and British pointers) where
the CACIT is awarded. The Agility contests (CACIAG) are also popular. Once a year,
we run the Agility Championships of the FCI Américas and the Caribbean Section.
Furthermore, a commission for rescue dogs was created and some of our dogs took
part in working tests in Europe. Even though they are only in the start procedure,
some countries have begun working with herding dogs. Within our Section, 20 CACIT
events (Certificat d’Aptitude au Championnat International de Travail) were
organised and for 2011, a country from our section already applied for 40 CACIT
Every member of our Section is active in different fields : education for handlers,
grooming, conferences on hip and elbow dysplasia, on eyes problems, dog feeding,
artificial insemination, genetics and responsible dog ownership. Every day sees
a dog-related activity taking place.
For our Section, the health of our dogs is a daily challenge and a constant investment
on the future. We commit to keep working for the health and well-fare of pure-bred
Miguel-Ángel MARTÌNEZ
President of the FCI Americas and the Caribbean Section